/**** contactUs ****/ var swiperList = {}; var oldNum = 0; var creatSwiper = function (num) { var _html = ''; oldNum = num; // _html += str_swiper(0) for (var i = 0; i < String(num).length; i++) { _html += str_swiper(i + 1) } $("#num_box").html(_html) // swiperList.mySwiper0 = new Swiper('#swiper0', { // paginationClickable: true, // simulateTouch: false, // loop: true, // mode: 'vertical' // }); for (var i = 0; i < String(num).length; i++) { swiperList['mySwiper' + (i + 1)] = new Swiper('#swiper' + (i + 1), { paginationClickable: true, simulateTouch: false, loop: true, mode: 'vertical' }); var _num = Number(String(num)[i]); if (_num != 0) { swiperList['mySwiper' + (i + 1)].swipeTo(Number(String(num)[i]), 1000, false) } } } var str_swiper = function (num) { var _html = ''; _html += '
'; _html += '
'; _html += '
'; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { _html += '
' + i + '
'; } _html += '
'; _html += '
' _html += '
' return _html } var bitAdd = function (num, index) { if(isIE()){ var arr_num = String(num); if (arr_num.length > String(oldNum).length) { swiperList['mySwiper' + (arr_num.length - index - 1)].swipeNext(); } else { swiperList['mySwiper' + (arr_num.length - index)].swipeNext(); } if (Number(arr_num[arr_num.length - index - 1]) + 1 > 9) { bitAdd(num, index + 1) } }else{ $("#num_box").eleRun(); } } var creatCounter = function (num) { if (isIE()) { creatSwiper(num) } else { var arr_num = String(num); var _html = ''; for(var i=0;i'; } $("#num_box").html(_html) $("#num_box").dataStatistics({min:num,max:num,time:1000,len:5}) } } var isIE = function () { if (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) { return true; } else { return false; } } $.fn.dataStatistics = function (options) { options = $.extend({ min: 100, //鍒濆鏁板€ max: 150, //鏈€澶ф暟瀛 time: 60000, //鏃堕暱 len: 6 //鏁板瓧鏄嚑浣嶆暟 }, options || {}); var ths = this; //瑙e喅this鎸囧悜闂 //鍒濆鍖?--------------------------------------start var el = ths.find('.set_last'); var html = '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + '
' + '
' //鍒濆鍖栧€ var nowNums = zfill(options.min, options.len).toString().split(""); //琛? function zfill(num, size) { var s = "000000000" + num; return s.substr(s.length - size); } ths.find('.digit_set').each(function () { for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) { $(this).append(html); currentDigit = $(this).find('.digit')[i]; $(currentDigit).find('.digit_wrap').append(i); } }); //鍒濆鍖栨暟鍊煎~鍏 $.each(nowNums, function (index, val) { var set = ths.find('.digit_set').eq(index); var i = parseInt(val) set.find('.digit').eq(i).addClass('active'); set.find('.digit').eq(i + 1).addClass('previous'); }); //鍒濆鍖?--------------------------------------end //鎵ц function run() { var difference = options.max - options.min; //瑕佹墽琛屽姩鐢荤殑娆℃暟 //姣忔瑕佹墽琛屽姩鐢荤殑鏃堕棿 var t = options.time / difference; //鍚庝竴浣嶆暟 function increase() { //鎵ц娆℃暟涓?鏃?鍋滄鎵ц if (difference < 1) { clearInterval(timer1); return false; console.info('缁撴潫') } difference--; console.info(difference); //缈婚〉鍔ㄧ敾 var current = el.find('.active'), previous = el.find('.previous'); previous.removeClass('previous'); current.removeClass('active').addClass('previous'); if (current.next().length == 0) { el.find('.digit:first-child').addClass('active'); var prev = el.prev(); prevNumber(prev); } else { current.next().addClass('active'); } } var timer1 = setInterval(increase, t); } //褰撴暟瀛楃炕鍒?鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍓嶄竴浣嶆暟鎵ц涓€娆″姩鐢 function prevNumber(ths) { var current = ths.find('.active'), previous = ths.find('.previous'); previous.removeClass('previous'); current.removeClass('active').addClass('previous'); if (current.next().length == 0) { ths.find('.digit:first-child').addClass('active'); var prev = ths.prev(); if (prev.length > 0) { prevNumber(prev); } } else { current.next().addClass('active'); } } run(); }; $.fn.eleRun = function () { var ths = this; var el = ths.find('.set_last'); function increase() { //缈婚〉鍔ㄧ敾 var current = el.find('.active'), previous = el.find('.previous'); previous.removeClass('previous'); current.removeClass('active').addClass('previous'); if (current.next().length == 0) { el.find('.digit:first-child').addClass('active'); var prev = el.prev(); prevNumber(prev); } else { current.next().addClass('active'); } } function prevNumber(ths) { var current = ths.find('.active'), previous = ths.find('.previous'); previous.removeClass('previous'); current.removeClass('active').addClass('previous'); if (current.next().length == 0) { ths.find('.digit:first-child').addClass('active'); var prev = ths.prev(); if (prev.length > 0) { prevNumber(prev); } } else { current.next().addClass('active'); } } increase(); } var swiperFun=function(){ setTimeout(function(){ var mySwiper = new Swiper('#img_box', { loop: true, centeredSlides: true, slidesPerView: 3, watchActiveIndex: true }); },200) } $.fn.countTo = function (options) { options = options || {}; return $(this).each(function () { // set options for current element var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, { from: $(this).data('from'), to: $(this).data('to'), speed: $(this).data('speed'), refreshInterval: $(this).data('refresh-interval'), decimals: $(this).data('decimals') }, options); // how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update var loops = Math.ceil(settings.speed / settings.refreshInterval), increment = (settings.to - settings.from) / loops; // references & variables that will change with each update var self = this, $self = $(this), loopCount = 0, value = settings.from, data = $self.data('countTo') || {}; $self.data('countTo', data); // if an existing interval can be found, clear it first if (data.interval) { clearInterval(data.interval); } data.interval = setInterval(updateTimer, settings.refreshInterval); // initialize the element with the starting value render(value); function updateTimer() { value += increment; loopCount++; render(value); if (typeof(settings.onUpdate) == 'function') { settings.onUpdate.call(self, value); } if (loopCount >= loops) { // remove the interval $self.removeData('countTo'); clearInterval(data.interval); value = settings.to; if (typeof(settings.onComplete) == 'function') { settings.onComplete.call(self, value); } } } function render(value) { var formattedValue = settings.formatter.call(self, value, settings); $self.html(formattedValue); } }); }; $.fn.countTo.defaults = { from: 0, // the number the element should start at to: 0, // the number the element should end at speed: 1000, // how long it should take to count between the target numbers refreshInterval: 100, // how often the element should be updated decimals: 0, // the number of decimal places to show formatter: formatter, // handler for formatting the value before rendering onUpdate: null, // callback method for every time the element is updated onComplete: null // callback method for when the element finishes updating }; function formatter(value, settings) { return value.toFixed(settings.decimals); }